Unlock Opportunities at Cross Border Summit 2025: Ignition: Building Momentum for Explosive Growth

online + offline launch party
GFA's 8th Birthday:
GFA Studio Launch Party
Join us as we celebrate Global From Asia's 8th birthday with a brand new STUDIO LAUNCH! Here in Shenzhen, we have a space to create our podcasts and have GFAVIP member meetups, and just generally be creative. Things getting setup (cleaned up) now, and we want to welcome you to our online / offline launch party.
We will introduce the new space, discuss some new initiatives, and offer some bonus and opportunities to YOU, our amazing community.
Joining online is FREE, and open to all. All you have to do is register by clicking the button below. Details will be sent after registration.
The In-person event is exclusive for GFAVIP members only. Speak to Aubrey, our community manager, to reserve your spot.
November 4, 2021, 7:00 pm HKT
Know more about the GFAVIP Community:
The GFAVIP Community is a group of "Make It Happen" business leaders. The community consists of hundreds of cross border business leaders from around the globe. GFAVIP members are able to access premium benefits such as special member’s only calls, masterminds, live video podcast access, online educational materials, and networking events.